Inconsistent ClayBlood totemist In a crude callous sweltering sludge of pettiness The daunting defrauder, cerise perpetrator Painstakingly slunk away... superficially, Flustering, flurrying. A principal of full-blooded shame. That ample ambit of acrid abstruseness Should make me rue the day Of carbonaceous smirch, organic cupreous outflow The day that mawkishly hid its miry soot And mine... The origin of the encirclement of vast bedevilling quagmires Emblematic for the extent of fate and its asperity By casuistry soiled, decelerated and temporized A redundant constancy bespeaks the deepness of misconstruction And defeatist bellicosity Walled vicissitudes waver in vertiginous heights While apprehension plangently liquefies Leaving two in wan convoluted realities Furthered by the grossness of the leverage of impolitic prevarications Troublous times have cynically sculptured the negligibility of all propitiations In lustreless marble still bearing the statuesque momentousness Of a totem for ClayBlood I make my astuteness evince The dubious exiguity of magnanimity hurriedly bereft Tumultous torrents have failed to slake my thirst Of torrid red they were, a quickened mass of odd feminity I did encourage zest and lust to join But I was followed by death and pain and loss While I contritely rescind the postwar negation of unalterable pulchritude Prostrated by the congruous triteness Of both its provenance and its loathsome recurrence I sense I am historicity For a period not known for a long time