A venerated vaulting of veracious vitality Vainly vying with volcanic virtuosity... A full-fledged rift, inwrought with feel That will portentously conceal Its fervid pith, bodes megrims glum. The rubicund residuum Of vacuous venereal brume And pristine, procreant perfume Secludes the gleams of subdued scourge: Death. Conflagration foils eftsoon The candent ferine swoon Of laving in the grume of a liquid heaven When mettled lava omens hell for a mistimed futurity That will discerpt the purity of this fumarole From which funest vapor histrionically rises Meretricious gilder of a thousandfold nullity Working in due course To exude the onerous fidget, The gaunt fount of flustering fusion An ineluctable wound has been imposed In my emaciated days of tortuous irretention A hesitative fascinator quelled a taintless ambition Impassibleness impossible Like a granitic hoar rock impassable Is the impassionment, the impediment Of impenetrable realms imperiling me With fissures that flout and filch... Foul larcenies aimed to make me quail Tangible trickles have spendthriftly bedewed The soil with flagrant fluid... And though I know grum furor My fastidious ground is vaguely relumed Meretricious gilder of a thousandfold nullity Working in due course To exude the onerous fidget, The gaunt fount of flustering fusion An ineluctable wound has been imposed While oftentimes a grudger's loss Of nature's auburn glabrous foss Caused vertiginous wistfulness And sudorific, forced ingress To looming meres of nascent tears So tacitly in olden spheres, Now like a newborn wildly wauls: Death!