The words got in the way, he's over-reacting, but nobody sees him to teach him the lesson His lips under a light, they look like they're swelling, but it's only natural, an allergic reaction Until he catches a glimpse of someone who sees him, the eyes are like lenses, they come up to his shoulder It's finally over I'm gonna love again, you gotta break me in, I'm holding out too long, you hear it in my songs, you gotta break me in He's leaning on his friends, avoiding an action It's just like a movie that nobody's watching She grabs him by the wrist, says, "Logan, you're spinning." It's funny you say that, 'cause no one else noticed He smiled and told her... I'm gonna love again; you gotta break me in I'm holding out too long, but I'm not giving up You gotta break me in, it won't happen overnight 'cause my heart's not making sense So if I'm gonna love again, you gotta break me in In the air is a hint of iron; I wonder if I'll ever feel that blood again My chest is cold and lungs are tired If anything could warm me it was discontent with less