Paul Udarov

Lost Chance (feat. Jay Ray)

Paul Udarov

It's late, but i have to go
I wanna  stay, you always know
I love you so
But duty always calls

I'll be back, i promise
I must go, but it's you i'll miss
So here i go, waving goodbye
To the love of my life

As i walk alone
I can only hope you know
I've missed times we had and more
But my other life calls

I wish i could turn back time
So i could spend more of my life
With you in your arms
But it's gone, away so far

Leaving you alone, my guilt consumes
Wondering what i  must do
To make up the lost chance with you

Rushing away and not thinking
Of what i'm missing
Beating myself up inside
Hoping everything will be alright

Finally i'm at this place
Where work begins and my life wastes
Wishing i was in your embrace

Fire in my gut
My rage wanting to erupt
Cannot contain this scream
I'm done with this hell finally

So i sit wondering why
Why choose this stressful life
With love, faith and might
I push on through hard times

My mind races, rushing there
To see if you're alive or dead
Don't leave me, is this a lost chance?