Paul Brady

Trick Or Treat

Paul Brady

Sometimes the things that you say 
Can hurt me so bad 
You know that it's true 
Sometimes your love lifts me up 
So high I could cry 
Can't live without you 
Like a knock on the door 
Open it up 
What do you see? 
Could be a trick or treat 
Bitter or sweet 
Which one you gonna be? 
Sometimes I fill up your cup 
So your river flows 
You know that it's true 
Sometimes my love makes you pay 
Though baby, I swear, I'm not wanting to 
Like a knock on the door etc 
Look at what this love can do 
Send us out into a world that's new 
You no compass, baby, me no map 
No one to show us where they laid the trap 
Trick or Treat, baby, that's the game 
One day passion one day pain 
You can try to change the rules but 

Trick or Treat make you the fool 
Trick or Treat make you the fool 
Sometimes a moment of bliss 
That starts with a kiss 
Can end up so blue 
'Cos I might say something wrong 
And then comes along 
A whole different you 
Like a knock on the door etc 
Look what this love can do etc 


Trick or Treat make you the fool 
Trick or Treat make you the fool