Patti Smith

New Party

Patti Smith

You say hey 
The state of the union
Is fine fine fine 
I got the feeling that you're lying 
Lying lying lying
I think we need 
Think we're gonna need 
A new party

They say to me 
They say what's the word
I say it's thunderbird 
I say it's thunderbird
Why don't you
Fly fly fly 
Fly away hey
And while you're at it 
Why don't you
Fertilize my lawn
Why don't you 
Fertilize my lawn
With what's running from your mouth
Running from your mouth
Hey listen here

We got to get off 
Our ass or get burned
The world's troubles
Are a global concern
Does your child have 
Fresh water to drink
Wherever you are
Wherever you are you're invited
To think about this

When in the course 
Of human events 
It becomes necessary 
To take things into your own hands
To take the water from the well 
And declare it tainted by greed 
We got to surely clean it up
Clean our house
Our inner house
Our outer house 
Left right
And hey by the way 
The human event 
Is the party of the century
And you're all invited 
It's where you are 
Wherever you are 
'Cause this party
Is for everyone
And the price of admission
Is love one another
Love brother