Easy now
Hush, love, hush
Don't distress yourself
What's your rush?
Keep your thoughts
Nice and lush

Hush, love, hush
Think it through
Once it bubbles
Then what's to do?
Watch it close
Let it brew

I've been thinking, flowers--
Maybe daisies--
To brighten up the room
Don't you think some flowers
Pretty daisies
Might relieve the gloom?
Ah, wait, love, wait

And the judge? When will I get to him?

Can't you think of nothing else? Always broodin' away
On yer wrongs what happened heaven knows how many
Years ago!

Slow, love, slow
Time's so fast
Now goes quickly--
See, now it's past!
Soon will come
Soon will last

Don't you know
Silly man
Half the fun is to
Plan the plan?
All good things come to
Those who can

Gillyflowers, maybe
'Stead of daisies
I don't know, though
What do you think?


Gillyflowers, I'd say. Nothing like a nice bowl of gillies