Disguise for the last time's ignorance- A flood of flowers and a dagger behind And million twins of rotten, cloned hysteria Like hungry drones scaling bones and souls abide- A final storm on desert fields, The thunderous herald of Blitzkrieg... The tapestries of hate and their fate Enarmouréd and feverish to attack! Under the kisses of a ravening sunset The feeble faith of mankind left a bloody stain And moral kneels, heart-cuffed and crippled Beneath poor hybris, proud in vain Torn between two worlds of glass And steel without skilled paints Cruel saints, misled and wolfskin- shed Obey and judge my thrill- ferocious aftermath... And crouching in this pit of words Where voices harm like sharper swords In light outside prides the amount Of far insaner bodycount. Hail! Hail! Hail! Hail Sin- On their knees Begging for salvation In the tongue of slaughter-ecstasy Devouring the dinner of disease Served with tears, thick dead desires And lost verses... Whilst I lay, away From the sound and woe of earth, Warmed on siege and opiates, A sidled vision passed And while my body rested there And all my bones found peace My mind inspired from this tomb And found new blood to feast (on) What lies beneath 'came torn apart by serpent drill- bits, demon hearts burning Rome for Holy War... Two spirits slain For endlessly our grace was ripped: From harmony to the love for Mortal sin ...and Cannibal Crusades Down with the devil, an eye for an eye A funeral banquet from faith to a lie Never again will enslavement be torn Never again be a Cherubim born Seraphine Horrors as blood veils the sight This carnage mistaken for eternal rights Chewing on Allah's celestial guts Enflaming the earth so carnivorous... Mocking at runes of a prophecy, gone, A new Hydra rising from witchcraft undone Bloated, like bodies submerged in the cold, Motionless waters of vision and void Each neck a fable and each head its dread Hissing more curses brought into effect Reborn as puppets with razorblade strings Poured into masques like gold without glimpse Forever- this fever By the pulse of broken hearts Grows violent, so silent Like a prayer on battlefields Caged in the chasm of murderous darkness The feeble faith a mankind left a bloody stain And moral fell, heart-cuffed and crippled Beneath poor hybris, blindly slain... I fade away Drowning into nightmares Of a sightless, perverse entity No more again Shall we taste of innocence We, who scattered greed......