I have stumbled on the plains Staggered in the wind Stood at a crossroad or two Cried to a river Swept to the sea All just to get to you I have flagged a yellow cab Hopped a rusty freight Sang till my lips turned blue Flown a silver bird On the tops of the clouds All just to get to you I ran too hard I played too rough I gave my love Not near enough I bled too red I cried too blue I beat my fist Against the moon All just to get to you I have run from St. Paul To wichita falls Call'd you from sunny baton rouge Hocked everything From my watch to my ring All just to get to you I ran too hard I played too rough I gave you love Not near enough I bled too red I cried too blue I beat my fist Against the moon All just to get to you From the California shore Where the mighty ocean roars To the lands of the hopi and the sioux I walked the desert sands Crossed the rio grande All just to get to you I have stumbled on the plains Staggered in the wind Stood at a crossroad or two Cried to a river Swept to the sea All just to get to you