Here we stand on this foundation Hope as an anchor, faith as our flag The cross as our courage Your Word as our way Through wars and rumors of wars Still You are sovereign, still You are Lord Above the confusion Your covenant stands For You have not, not for a moment Abandoned Your promise to save And You will not, not for a moment With draw Your hand Our God is ever almighty Ever almighty to save Our God is ever almighty Ever almighty always Here and now stone upon stone The house You are building, a people Your own Your kingdom unshaken Your church is alive Now as one with hearts all aflame All our devotion is to Your great name Exalted forever Lord Jesus You reign We will not, not for a moment Forget Your promise to save We will not, not for a moment With hold Your praise Our God is ever almighty Ever almighty to save Our God is ever almighty Ever almighty always Fear doesn't get to sit on Your throne No, You won't share Your glory All the praise is Yours alone You are worthy, worthy Fear doesn't get to sit on Your throne No, You won't share Your glory All the praise is Yours alone You are worthy, worthy Our God is ever almighty Ever almighty to save Our God is ever almighty Ever almighty always Our God is ever almighty Ever almighty always Our God is ever almighty Ever almighty to save Our God is ever almighty Ever almighty always