
The Hurry All Around


I am an old man from out in spokane
Feels like I was born with these stripes upon my shoulders
I've been waiting for that hour in dayton
Where I will feel that sun so hot
And I'll let that freedom burn
Now I'm in that city, and it ain't so pretty
I'm feelin' dizzy from the hurry all around
Now that old me I thought was dying slowly
Well I'm longing to be him now
I've been a gambler, one hell of a rambler
But I always knew the name of that town as I passed through
That automobile made from pittsburgh steel
Has taken all the hellos and goodbyes out of you
So I'll hang my hat up next to my saddle
And I'll carve my name in letters on the door
Now that old me I thought was dying slowly
I guess I'll hang it up to be him once more