You find yourself wishing you hadn't learned that lesson? Like gorging yourself hoping for no nutrition? Oh help me from pining for simpler times! As if ignorance was a virtue and stupidity sublime Ever wonder why this experiment ain't working so well? Existence's small print, The siren and the bell. I can tell the ghosts are out! It's what I'vebeen dreaming about. Darling, I've grown numb! As a matter of self-defense. It's the little things - they are disappearing. Extinct - no chance. They want to live large. Large like you. But take a look around us - there just ain't room. How are the summers, brother, way up north? It'll be such a large ocean that I hope you like to surf And Darling the crows followed me home again! The cells are always fighting - Revolt from the chicken pen. And if you're quiet for one moment, You can hear them scheming well enough. It'll be such a large ocean, I hope you like to surf