Every night I open my poetic window-book Retired upon subdued lime trees Pondering over me and you to fail again Untimely sympathy for shallow layers It puzzles temptress, starry-eyed Will o' the wisp, exiled jester-daffodil I am an elegiac herdsman lost within a woodpecker's stanza Day by day I try to sow Nothingness calls my name Mankind - too blind Yonder thy primrose path And my shuddered face yellows with age O Venus-train, goodbye Wayward play of gradual shades Arclets fret over dogmas (I long for) lavender-rivers Clad in lavender blue "Diversity is a motive wheel of life and knowledge doesn't forge ahead While you curse your private mistakes. Do you really want to die alone?" Lullabies in scourging deserts searching for a windswept dawn Fettered hawks on barren fells There are no hiding places An opaque tangle of unbearable echoes determines the soliloquies shining faintly through dim corridors No one can tell what I have felt... What I will feel...where I might go... For life has touched my promise path. thy shuddered facelet