


It's breakfast and the TV's on
He talks, we listen then we're gone
School's out, the children are at home
Turn TV truth and power on

The radio, the reports, the media great and strong
The TV, so powerful, so influental all alone – right and wrong!

We're told we live in freedom-states
That's not untrue
To some extent you love your fate
That's what you should do

We watch TV, believe what's said
They tell the truth, why use my head?
When did we stop to ask'em why?
Since when we're falling for their lies?

The TV – a construct of NSA or the damn FBI?
Newspapers in China, Korea, do they lie?
Daredevil dies!

We're told we live in freedom states
That's not untrue
To some extent you love your fate
That's what you should do

Now I think I'll get paranoid
All, I believed in, seems destroyed
They tell you, what you need, what's true!
But can't you see, what's overdue?

When we phone, they bug us, our data made of glass
The secrets of army and politics should not last
The die is cast!

We're told we live in freedom states
That's not untrue
To some extent you love your fate
That's what you should
But total truth would bring conflicts, heavy loadings
We can believe most of the news
We're the world's best truth!