In the beginning jah (God) created the heaven and the earth And then created man in his own image and likeness He gave unto man wisdom, knowledge and understanding He gave us the dominion to rule over the fishes of the sea And over fowls ol the air Get up and stand up for your rights And don't be afraid to show your love Get up it doesn't matter if you're black or white For what you want you will have to fight Get up you can’t sit down and wait Cause the life you've got is the life you make Get up and leave sadness on a shelf This beat at life will lead you on Get up, don’t think about the past Look straight ahead and don’t turn back Get up, let nature give her force And she will take you to its source Get up, don’t do it by yourself Just get some friends to give some help Get up, together we can try And make this world a better place One love, one heart, let’s get together Get up and stand up for your rights And don't be afraid to show your love Get up it doesn't matter if you're black or white For what you want you will have to fight Get up you can’t sit down and wait Cause the life you've got is the life you make Get up and leave sadness on a shelf This beat at life will lead you on One love, one heart, let’s get together And feel alright One love, one heart, give thanks and praise To the lord And you will feel a alright In the beginning jah (God) created the heaven and the earth And then created man in his own image and likeness He gave unto man wisdom, knowledge and understanding He gave us the dominion to rule over the fishes of the sea And over fowls ol the air One love, one heart, let’s get together And feel alright One love, one heart, let’s get together And feel alright One love, one heart, give thanks and praise To the lord And you will feel a alright One love, one heart, let’s get together And feel alright One love, one heart, give thanks and praise To the lord And you will feel a alright One love, one heart, let’s get together And feel alright One love, one heart, give thanks and praise To the lord And you will feel a alright