Panzer, The German

Mr. Nobrain

Panzer, The German

Stopping my world in the name of the owner won't work
Cause I don't know that bloody moaner!
I should be used to deal with bloody jerks
Cause life is too short and I'm out of words
Mr. Nobrain, mr. Slowbrain
Mr. Nobrain
Proves that there is no wisdom in their heads
They won't just listen to your thoughts
They won't just listen to your thoughts
And decay
They won't believe u - they won't believe what you say
They rule your day like gun pointing at your head

I don't believe in what you say
Twisted - twisted!
Can't you believe - in my own way
I don't believe in what you say
Twisted - twisted!
Stay down, stray down - go down you suck!
Mr. Nobrain - mr. Slowbrain... Oh no
Those nobrains do prove that all their souls are lost

They won't just listen what you taught
They won't just listen what you taught
And decay...
They won't believe u - they won't believe what you say
They rule your day like gun pointing at your head
I don't believe in what you say
Twisted - twisted!
Can't you believe - in my own way
I don't believe in what you say
Twisted - twisted!
Stay down, stray down - go down you suck!

Stopping my world in the name of the owner won't work
Cause I don't know that bloody moaner!
I should be used to deal with bloody jerks
Cause life's too short and I'm out of words
I don't believe in what you say
Twisted - twisted
Can't you believe - in my own way
I don't believe in what you say
Twisted - twisted!
Stay down, stray down - go down you suck!
Mr. Nobrain - you suck!