
The Last Cheek


I am obligated to turn the other cheek
You are not obligated to strike
I advise you to walk away, I advise you strongly
For when you strike the second time

You walk across the final line
If you mind me and mind me well
You will hear the blood of abel
Screaming in my veins
You will see the mark of cain
Burning upon my face

There is a door shut on a millennia of holy rage
There is a mantle drenched in blood
(There is a mantle drenched in blood
Upon the shoulders of our king)

I am guilty of sin
But my avenger is the holy God
Consider the cost of your aggression
Before you lay your hand on me and mine
Before you piss upon the church of God
For when he brings the hammer down

It falls but once
I don’t think you understand the line in the sand
It is drawn for your protection, not for mine
I am a lion on leash, I am not stuck here with you
You are stuck here with me
There is a door, shut

Father forgive them, for they know not what they do
Father protect them, they know not who I am