Pantheon I

Written In Sand

Pantheon I

"time distorts the memory
Each tale grows with something telling
Each truth like lines in the sand
Warped by fierce sea and howling wind
Till none may know
Only myth and fable remains
In the beginning was i..."

Cursed by god
To walk the eternity alone
Withstanding the peril of time

Wounds become scars
All the times my blood stained the blade
Never letting me die

Trashed, broken
My trashed limbs and broken faith
My trashed limbs and broken hope

I, ahasver
Will wander the earth
Never reaping a harvest again
But scavenging

Verily i say unto you, there be some standing here, which shall not taste of death
Till they see the son of man coming in his kingdom

Mark of cain
My sinful skin decays
Yet the stigma never fades

Tainted by god

"once my faith was strong
Yet eternity proves faith wrong
Cursed by the bastard son of an illusion
The sight of christ offends my eyes"