Desperate for purpose, reasons to strive Motivation is essential to sustain life Without passion, an inner drive One starts to question being alive Day in, day out This lack of ambition is taking its toll Wandering senseless, without direction Slowly spiraling out of control Routines, patterns of depression Alone with only the thoughts in your head Memories, history of repression Hearts pounding, fast-short breaths Alone with only the thoughts in your head Use these eyes to change your perception With them demand a whole new perspective Visions of grandeur, dreams of perfection Enough of this absence of forward progression A constant feeling of disappointment, struggling to stay afloat Don't let go Stay afloat One of these days you will be too indecisive Swimming deeper, deeper than before Breathing in the water Breathing out the will to live Turn towards yourself Breathing out the will to live Coughing up the water from the time you spent deciding Courage to live or fear of dying You see everything clear for the first time Credits