


Surrender thy mind, a step for the blind
Stories that remain untold
Never digress, laid now to rest
Behold the storm that draws close

Blood, lies, pain, Idiocracy
Hatred, God, greed, Idiocracy

Witness thy rights, mauled out by blight
Its reason you shall never know
Keep up with times, a slave to the grind
Thy rulers are way past their prime

Blood, lies, pain, Idiocracy
Hatred, God, greed, Idiocracy

Without rhyme, without reason
A whole species burning down
The fallout symphony upon us
Cast thy faith to the ground

Fire runs down from the firmament
We shall be one with the clouds
Carving our tombstones with sign of Mammon
A legacy of the gaunt

Quenching this thirst, eternal
Its time to reap what thou hast sown
A crimson-red new morning
Twilight of men unfolds

White-collar vultures ascending now
To be the brand-new gods
Into a world bent down on its knees
We serve, we cry, we fall

Surrender thy mind, a step for the blind
Stories that remain untold
Never digress, laid now to rest
Behold the storm that draws close

Blood, lies, pain, Idiocracy
Hatred, God, greed, Idiocracy