Faster, full speed ahead Haunt them down That flock of domestic sheep Cause this is the age of great acceleration This is the age of major alienation Don't remove their blinder And listen to me, you morons Do you enjoy your decadent refinement Won't you crawl back in solitude You hypocrite You sinner You can fight it, but it's slowly nodding off Men Infected as in 1349 When black death spread like rats Brought down by a curious plague Carried to a certain burial ground... Where you could smell the blood And see the colour of death Infected as in 1349 Where you could smell the blood And see the colour of death Aaarrrggghhh Opened up Examined by myself and many more Psychological autopsy Of this broken, bitter, whore Wasn't your intention but that was what it became Here i am in pieces Just one more forgotten name Do you enjoy your decadent refinement Won't you crawl back in solitude You hypocrite You sinner You can fight it, but it's slowly nodding off