As I raised my blade to face my final foe I was shown the true daunt of my weakness Her sirenic gaze transformed a fiend to a lover A contagion to a cure For all my world's pain I couldn't endure At first taste of her I set my bridge ablaze I watched it fade to a small glow Why did you choose me and let me live? Bound in your chains My flesh is easily cut You've extinguished my flame Your black hand shrouds my soul from what it once was United with trees, the mountains and rivers I burn the homes of my kin Because you've pit me against them I grant a vacant stare To this bare exposition I can't remember the last time I've slept without you You've forced me this way Your poison courses my veins more than my own blood As you make yourself all I can reach My strength has surrendered to your being I am here but not fighting I can see that I'm dying As your arrows rip through my flesh