Sat across the stream That once was beautiful at the splendor Of that cold and calm autumn's mornings Rested here I try to understand why To understand the reasons of such destruction That day in which the sun was born for the last time That I always have in my mind Will never never vanish The morbid doom zombies are throwing more and more Stones with the catapult Of his dirty war I try to struggle against the end of everything But it's only me against the poison of the stones that kills my nature Solitude on this cold land Emptiness deep inside of me My land dying… I open my eyes end I see the trees falling The divine creatures dying, The zombie destroying to fullfill his need For power what the fuckin' power is that? Why all these things happen? What's the reason of all these things happen? The stream where I always used to take a bath, Now runs against its natural flow Taking with itself the poison of death that The zombie man has created