There's a little yellow rule With her head tied to the moon I've got dry to a bone For you For you There's a belly to the sea And an apple to my eye And a plague for you and me Oh my Oh my Little dove (little dove boomerang) Boomerang May we laugh at the song you sang? (may we laugh at the song you sang) I told a lie and someone bought So, here's another, but this is all I've got So, I fear it's all a joke That I just wasn't supposed to make Apples in a cloud of smoke So fake I'm so fake Little dove (little dove boomerang) Boomerang (bah bah bah bah bah) May we laugh at the song you sang? I told a lie and someone bought So, here's another, but this is all I've got So, here's another, but this is all I've got So, here's another, but this is all we've got