The abode of the gods where dwell the brave fallen in battles the warrior only victory or death by the sword on palaces of gold the glories of eternal life with the gods In the cold forests Battles of blood are fought The hordes queued plan the attack Deep within our warriors lies the thrill of death The enemy marches to battle In the deep silence of darkness From the shadows of the earth The battle for command Power flows through our swords Under the moonlight the pagan blade shines See the flaming arrows That cross the battlefield Blood in the wind, death in the air Warriors march for the battle Raise your weapons, fight with glory Retake the pagan throne The final blow, blood in your face Your body dilacerated in battle The final blow In your hands the blood of enemies Your body enters a pit of flames The wolves are fed the flesh of enemies Bodies thrown into the pile of remains Rotting corpses The smell of death spreads everywhere Death has come to the noble warrior The enemy fire is still present The black mist blurred vision The eyes try to touch the stars But the clouds are too gray Inside the certainty of victory In his hands the blood of the enemy In the game created by the gods They decide who should die The fate belongs to the gods of war Your destination is the fervor of battle Dying for your kingdom Enforcing the death by the sword His brothers are waiting on the other side To celebrate the eternal life Raise your swords noble warriors Hail the gods of war