The eye of light Shutting its lids An ancient mass of flesh The force that rids In thick black Illumination knelt To her brother, dark Only tremors can be felt A stench-ridden body Hauling itself across Once perfect purity Now infested by vermin Inhuman forms Rise from murky depths Manifestation of ancient gloom Possessing the force of death Mind degraded to a structure The long-lived mass of life Body affected by the rapture Reduced to human waste No glimmer of hope to be seen To save primordiality The savage beast within me Eternally feeding on chaos Weakening legs under pressure Sinews tear, evoking stillness Unearthly heat, cracking the skin Bones revealed, a blinding reflection Bound to embrace the harsh soil Become a part of its system To feed a ravaging plague Nourish the source of my demise Ages pass Static form Impulse for motion The last exertion Endless odyssey Towards rejuvenation Destructive prodigy The eater of worlds Left blind to scour oblivion Lost in the void of time Inescapable spiral Erosion of existence -The elements stand still All life wiped away -Deafening silence ensues Immersed in eerie stillness -In the deep unknown The ground begins to shift -The cloak of darkness tears A pulsing core revealed Lacerated Covered in ash A lifeless sphere Of madness Merciless Cold and true The transcendence Into infinity The ground weeps For her next of kin A dying wish To be revived with no sin The dust spreads Long lost lives And memories fade To the abyss I died for their lives I live in their minds And I am their stone Their weight to carry