"What have we here then? That girls got shorter hair than her boyfriend What is it with the kids these days?" And the way his head goes straight into his back It almost gave me a heart attack I could tell he was an animal So lets hear it from the salt of the earth I guess your narrow sight Has seen you right since birth C'mon, Raise your glass, Lets have some noise Release your hate boys Oh, work is over, it's time to cut loose The nights alive, The nights alive Time to pay your dues to your misplaced frustrations Got a rant from a prat Sitting there chewing his fat He made it clear I wasn't his mate Didn't concern me at all The nights alive, The nights alive The nights alive, Yeah right I can't believe the bother your giving me What have we here then Some red-neck pissing his hard earned money Down his throat Just to let off some steam built up from a hard weeks work Like the weekend and the weekend before With an excuse to shout out to the world Just what a bigot he is