Madam I own a small commercial venture With a modest clientele In kanagawa. Girls I think i see one over there behind the trees! Madam Sh! (to the audience) It's been my family's for centur- Ies and doing very well - For kanagawa. Girls I hear they're covered all with hair, like some disease. Madam Sh! Fourth girl Except their knees. Madam Sh! (to audience) The arrival of these giants Out of the blue, Bringing panic to my clients, Alters my view. With so many of them fleeing, Conferring, decreeing, I find myself agreeing With the ancient haiku: Reciter The nest-building bird, Seeking the tree without twigs, Looks for new forests. Madam Exactly. (as a "forest" forms on the stage, she and the girls search for americans.) Welcome to kanagawa. Girls Welcome to kanagawa! Madam No … Welcome to kanagawa. Girls Oh … Welcome to kanagawa. Madam So … With all my flowers disappearing In alarm, I've been reduced to commandeering From the farm. But with appropriate veneering, Even green wood has its charm. Girls (searching) Yo-ho! Yo-ho! Madam (beckoning them) Yo-ho! (she hands out pornographic fans to the girls and points to each in turn.) That you'll have to bend for - Can yo see why? First girl Yo-ho! Madam That you'll need a friend for - Still, you might try. Second girl Yo-ho! Madam That you do through the kimono - Not very much. Third girl Yo-ho! Madam That you use glue, then you - No, no, no, no, Those you don't touch! All Welcome to kanagawa, Music and food for twenty yen - Music and food - Madam And maybe then - All Welcome! Welcome to kanagawa! Music and food and company! Music and food - Madam - and for a fee - All Welcome! Madam (to the audience) When a country is in trouble, Choices are few. And apart from charging double, What can you do? With my clients off defending, And strangers descending, I find myself depending On the ancient haiku: Reciter The bird from the sea, Not knowing pine from bamboo, Roosts on anything. Madam Exactly. Girls Welcome to kanagawa! Madam Glow! Girls Welcome to kanagawa! Madam Low! Girls Welcome to kanagawa! Madam Grow! Girls Welcome to kanagawa! Madam Go! (as they all move into the "forest") Girls Yo-ho! Yo-ho! Madam Yo-ho! … Yo-ho!