Bell ringing; it's twelve o'clock the midnight rules; in the air lies fog look at the date, it's doomsday you can hear it everywhere: "Mayday!" A fist is slipping out of the earth living corpses; the troopers birth You can hear a motor noise, It is the hearse, and you've got no choice A sword; steel; blade; blood; The troops of the hearse come to the earth, and would like to destroy! Pace of Hearse drives you till death and when you ride with us: You bleed; You spit; You die! You bleed; You spit; You die! You bleed; You spit; You die! The troops of the hearse come to the earth, and would like to destroy! Pace of Hearse drives you till death and when you ride with us: You bleed; You spit; You die! You bleed; You spit; You die! You bleed; You spit; You die! The troops of the hearse come to the earth and would like to destroy! Pace of Hearse drives you till death and when you ride with us: You bleed; You spit; You die! You bleed; You spit; You die! You bleed and then you fuckin' die!