A cold breeze touches my skin Fill my lungs coming in from the north The sun sinks slowly into the sea As I wander the coast in thoughts A moment ago an illusion of purity Touched my thought with the wind, immideately fading, Burned away by the cauldron of sorrow within Well I had my pride, or let's say: I thought so I've been down so many times, I don't care about honour In this ocean a billion souls have drowned I sink deeper in the hell of my own... But somehow I carry on float with the tide Reap the storm Take one more death and... Below the surface of your consciousness The pressure increases 'til one day Hope is finally lost Falling into a state of fatigue You come to think: "Most people deserve to die but they carry on breeding" The air I foul from the their _prescetise_ even under these northen stars. As the mills of time keep grinding Life's left me bleeding Well I had my pride, or let's say: I thought so I've been down so many times, I don't care about honour I never did belong here I might as well just... But somehow I carry on float with the tide Reap the storm Take one more death and...