Shut the mouth to feed your fear Starving patient, my last meal Man is nature's one mistake Consternation is what I feel My living will Condemned, in the middle of the street Living without a self-command A hundred miles on the highway Speeding up on my straight eight Heading to the promise land Im your Boogie Man Patiently I'll wait you sleep Scream your brains out Popping pills Peace is nature's one mistake Consternation is what I feel My living will Condemned, in the middle of the street Living without a self-command A hundred miles on the highway Speeding up on my straight eight Heading to the promise land I getting dizzy from the heat No place to call my own Building castles in the sand You're the day, I'm the night The final nail in the coffin I'm here, I am your nightmare I'm your boogie man Am I dreaming? Stop being such a baby