You'll hurt yourself trying to smile When there's still the taste of lament in your mouth You'll twist a nerve just from the motion It's an act we don't have to do I can sit and just be here And not have to be so terribly scared of silent air Just a body in the room The silence is scary, but it's a joke compared to talking to yourself I'll sit and just be here And when the dread finally shifts Just enough for you to feel it's safe to talk again I'll be an empty vase For you to pour yourself in Or I'll sit and just be here And not have to be so terribly scared of silent air Just a body in the room The silence is scary, but it's a joke compared to talking to yourself I'll sit and just be here I can sit and just be here And not have to be so terribly scared of silent air And if all you'd like is a body in the room The silence is scary, but it's a joke compared to talking to yourself I'm empty whenever you're ready Whenever, if ever If you feel like you may want to let me in Whenever, if ever