So tell me what I have to perceive to be part of half the world. Sometimes I wonder if I ask myself too many questions. Yesterday was the day 1. They implanted a disease in me and just relieved my pain with a good moral about human life. You can listen to this beautiful speech or not let them hide everything behind the spirit of freedom. 'Cause they incorpore every fuckin' word you say. It has never been as bad as now. Superficial years And I care Stuck on your silent ground Forced to be speechless I will never accept this I could go to the Jerry Springer show to express myself. This society gives me only that priviledge. After I'll make a million bucks writing a book titled " How I fucked up my life ". Someone stays in silence while you're watching your favorite program. A million people die while they're making you believe In all their rumours. Someone kills himself almost every day while you're proving that this world's okay. And I forget your loss while I'm writing this song. For the benefit of what we consider acquired, we choose not to answer the question asked. Then we whine because everything changes the wrong way. We choose the look instead of what's inside. And this is the way things go every foolish single day of our life. One humanity, one leader Is this what life amounts to ? Human narcissism once a day What could be better than the impact of your stupid confession ? You want all the same thing Just another moment not to think about what's really goin' on. I'm never gonna trust the man who pushes me to stay away from what I really feel. No, I'm not hypnotized! For the benefit of what the others could give us, we choose not to answer the forgotten question. And they keep running to spread their will to compromise discussions. How could we stay indifferent to specified frustrations and all the facts that they don't really know? No more lies in my screen. Is there anything that you really wanna hear ? I'm gonna tell you what your disease is. It's weird, I never felt so concerned about your problem.