
This is Rape


The way you scream at me, crushing me with your voice, 
Putting a speedy end to any answer, any counter, 
As if my head was laying underwater, 
Hands cuffed in my back, 
All of this pounding in me with so much hatred 
That I'm getting scared of myself. 
The weight of your culture and your unquestionable 
Social and personal History felt on my shoulder 
As an attack from your mouth 
Crawling under my skin and deep inside my mind. 
Without any reason. No good reason to me. 
Just for the crush, just for this feeling of power. 
Who's the real victim ? Who's the real slave? 
Face down in shit and humiliated, 
You made me feel guilty for one moment. 
This is rape even if you never touched me. 
This is rape and my shield is split up. 
Alleviation will be achieved through 
The deconstruction of our History.