"Suddenly, everyone noticed they were aboard a mud ship in the sea. Some of the passengers realized this from way back and continuously appealed but to no avail, for all the other passengers looked the other way, so they could have fun, while this ship slowly goes to its murky grave, again…" I can see it, what's gonna happen if we go on Okay, I can see it Time'll tell us destined to go down below the sea Okay, I can see it Nothing but, nothing but a ball of heat Crew only by your name You knew it from the start Clay Liner, we're on the Clay Liner Clay Liner, we're on the Clay Liner In deaths reach Now she is melting Thus ship of ours is listing to the right Okay, I can see it I can see it never gonna make it through the night Okay, I can see it How long do you wanna do this show Let's get help, we should done it long ago Clay Liner, we're on the Clay Liner Clay Liner, we're on the Clay Liner In deaths reach No … place to go Clay Liner, we're on the Clay Liner No … place to go We're on the Clay Liner In deaths reach Many people sacrifice as you line your pocket You're the one who's gonna be the sacrifice, you see We won't laugh and we won't cry, your plan is on the docket For you see, I'll work with you, if you work with me… Oh… oh… we're on the Clay Liner Your vain ways have made this ship too big Too heavy, we can't last Never make it out to sea Clay Liner, we're on the Clay Liner Clay Liner, we're on the Clay Liner In deaths reach