
Everything That Becomes Nothing


Beyond the veils that separate worlds
That intertwine in an orderly spiral
In primordial darkness
Beyond the duality of everything and nothing
Where lies the multiplicity of everything that becomes nothing

There is no more sense of being
No more form
Only amorphous fullness of not self
I glimpse the fate of my sacrifice

Behold, do the whirlwinds of creation justify belonging and numbness?
Only the journey of no return proves to be real
In the eyes of those who gazed into the abyss

There is no more sense of being
No more form
Only amorphous fullness of not self
I glimpse the fate of my sacrifice

No more shall we sing the hymns of happiness
For the banner of war holds our cold hunt for the fallen sophia
Like thirsty wolves, we hunt the doors on the other side
Like cold anarchists, we disturb the order of the priestly ministry
And today, the torches that burned the laws are the luminaries of our assembly

We evoke the void
So that it fills our souls

The faceless God is manifested by the masks that fit us
And the smile
Is a warning of anger

No more shall we sing the hymns of happiness
For the banner of war holds our cold hunt for the fallen sophia
Like thirsty wolves, we hunt the doors on the other side
Like cold anarchists, we disturb the order of the priestly ministry
And today, the torches that burned the laws are the luminaries of our assembly