Tom: F#m E 00122x A 022200 Bm (bar chord) 244422 C# (bar chord) 456644 E A My baby don't mess around Bm C# Because she loves me so And this I know fo shooo.. ... //(repeat this through whole song) //now come to the technique before you play each chord play the basic tone, then you play the entire chord and after that just the 3 upper strings like in the example of this E chord : E|--0-0-0-0-| B|--0-0-0-0-| G|--1-1-1-1-| D|--2-x-x-x-| A|--2-x-x-x-| E |0-x-x-x-x-| basically hold the E string with the thumb down so it sounds like a death note. then when you play Bm you have to play this E|--2-2-2-2-----4-4-4-4-| B|--4-4-4-2-----5-5-x-5-| G|--4-4-4-4-----6-6-6-6-| D|--4-4-x-4-----6-x-6-x-| A|2-2-x-x-x-2-4-4-------| E|x-2-x-x-x-----4-------|