V 1: I see the same things so many times People search but only use their minds Search for something they cannot see, therefore they can't believe They want a promise that will never lie What they desire can't be seen by the naked eye They must take a step of faith & believe in the unseen. CHORUS: Do you want a ticket on the train to Paradise, even though you can't see the track Trust him & he'll lead you all the way to Paradise And you'll never have to look back V 2: Although thimes seem hard & I know, It's hard to walk when you don't know where to go The valley of the blind is what you seem to go through all of the time Well again, again, again my friend, take heed to what I say Put your trust in the Lord I know He'll show you the way Be ye strong in this hour, & do rely on his power You want to live you must recieve, even what you can't conceive Trust in God, believe me you'll have life I'll agree It's sometimes rough, riding this ride, but in the end it's life divine. CHORUS RAP: Oh my Lord it's all aboard & the ticketmaster knows for sure Who's gonna ride on the thief in the night train Too much bank for a Brother Life But mercy, has paid me off in full so Mr. Conductor give the whistle a pull Larger than life, cause life on Earth is draggin' My gift is a trip on the Lord's bandwagon Maybe we should look beyond our sights Make a way to feel without a touch Our trust is not just blind belief Cause we use other eyes to see [CHORUS OUT]