Alas, posterity. Alack, such sincerity. I lay my white crown round. I load it down. High school papers' honorific, acrobatic headlines. Long lost 5k charities and small town race times. The animated remnants of a life before i knew you, And you were mine. Alas, posterity. Alack, such sincerity. We lay white arrows 'round. We load it down. Stillborn eloquence and evidence of european tours. Still-resolving photos close enough to see your pores. The annotated remnants of a life i lived behind you, When i was yours. Once, all alone in a red october, Wound down vainglorious in clover. Frowns found under words of a turk in dover, Now lines you'd hide web-woven over. But unsung liturgies, obituaries written to the sun. Inundated pages old enough to make you young. Commemorate the remnants of a life in twenty-aught-few, When we were one. Alas, posterity. Alack, such sincerity. You laid your white brow round, And now, And now, i load it down.