Silence fire and death, fierce battle of steel Sword to sword destruction, through out this night Blood spilled Compelled by blasphemy wisdom of forgotten evil Priest of satanic witchery sacrifice in dark of night In evil sign of threating moon master of altar and Blessed doom Forest floor drentched in rain and blood Captured in moonlight like hallowed sea Journey of savage worrior, riddle of steel; sheild, Hammer and axe Wielded torment Silent fire command bannish to eternal sleep We destroy their king, we hunger for bloody victory Ancient woods slumber awoken by gods of war Absorbing the flowing blood, fed by the butchered bodies Burning silence....firery death Cold winds cast over me, this dark gloom wildly Shadows Blood ans axe fiercely fought, attacking storms Ablaze in night Summon the key of doomed wisdom Create the black winter of hate Demon lord of the cryptic kingdom Mortal disciples condemmed and enslaved This sacred reality damned, spoiled earth has died Now open the gates of hell, demonic evil in sign of The pentagram Satan.....Lucifer