
Arcanus Caligo Tuus Aura


Tuus Aura Mors 
Whispered cries like fire, 
Storming evil reaps her vengeance 
Blood serenades, ablaze in dark desire, 
Await the dawn to draw away 

Forest of death's affliction; 
Her pale corpse dances, songs of the black messiah 
Suffocation, as I enter forbidden twilights hell 

Dae of nox, master of atrox mors 
Arcanus Caligo Tuus Aura, mother of savage death 
Penatrate the moonlight wrath 

Rest in pain black goddess, god has abandoned you 
Drapped in bloody roses, secret darkness your breath 
Thorns upon her heart, silent forever resting in pain 

Under this black moon eternity has forgotten... 

Whore of wicked demons, her corpse forever rotted 
In trance of dark witchcraft, drinking satans blood 

This realm of sickness, graveyards of gods 
Master of atrox mors, Arcanus Caligo Tuus Aura 
Mother of savage death