Emily sat right next to me Five days a week in the same bus seat For a girl she was pretty cool She wore an old ball cap, hated lace Played a mean shortstop and second base Never missed a day of sunday school And i never told a soul back then But emily harper was my best friend We carved our names on an old oak limb On the bank of the creek where we used to swim A farmer's son and a preacher's only daughter We ran barefoot through the garden gate All afternoon we'd laugh and play 'til the sun went down on me And emily harper About the time i turned sixteen I noticed emily's eyes were green And how they shined when i made her laugh I liked it when her hair was down I hated other guys around I played it cool but i had it bad Lord, her daddy had a fit When he caught me stealing my first kiss We carved a heart on that old oak limb On the bank of the creek where we used to swim A farmer's son and a preacher's only daughter We used to sneak off in my daddy's car Sit on the hood and count the stars 'til the sun came up on me And emily harper It all seems just like yesterday We grew up but some things never change We still hold hands by that old oak limb On the bank of the creek where we used to swim A farmer's son and a preacher's only daughter She sure did make a lovely bride We vowed to grow old side by side 'til the sun goes down on me And emily harper Emily harper Me and emily harper