Well, I was walking down the street, of a fine, fine city And then a man, he came up to me and he said Can you spare me some change? I said no, no, no, no, not today Well that man came on runnin’ up to me He asked me if I had ever read, if I have ever read He said have you ever read? The book of life! Well I said no sir, I haven’t ever read the book of life Thought to myself, that sure as hell sounds fascinating I just kept on going I had places to be And people to see And important things to do Carried on about my business And I’m walking down this cold street My feet crunching the snow, cars swimming by Then I see the steam rising up out the subway And I gotta go on down there So I go down, down, down All the way down to where the train is zoomin’ by And then the silence And down from the corner From the dark end of a strange way I heard this band playin’ And this band was good So I go up to that band And I throw some money in their guitar case And I say, hey band! What’s the name of your band? And they said: The book of life! Yeah, the book of life, yeah! It was the book of life, yeah! Did the old man and the band know each other? Who knows? Nobody can really know But we can all put it inside the book of life The book of life!