Curse them here they come again, Sending more to the slaughter, Thanks to mortal hands, These walls do stand (do stand), Held strong by fate, No one gets out alive (they’re dead now), Their only true chance now, Is to surrender (their soul) Cut down by knives, trampled by hordes, They will falter after the fall, They beg for death, with their last breath, They beg for death Cut down by knives, trampled by hordes, They will falter after the fall, They beg for death, with their last breath, They beg for death Curse them here they come again, Can they not hear my laughter (my laughter), With this struggle they cause, Will only postpone their slaughter, Thanks to mortal hands, These walls do stand (do stand), Held strong by fate, No one gets out alive Cut down by knives, trampled by hordes, They will falter after the fall, They beg for death, with their last breath, They beg for death Cut down by knives, trampled by hordes, They will falter after the fall, They beg for death, with their last breath, They beg for death Through pain and salvation, They will get out alive, They blame leaders that lead them, Yet they’ve been lead so blind Cut down by knives, trampled by hordes, They will falter after the fall, They beg for death, with their last breath, They beg for death Cut down by knives, trampled by hordes, They will falter after the fall, They beg for death, with their last breath, They beg for death