I awoke from a dream to face the world of man I remember what I heard from the night before Told me to help make the world a better place Do what I can Take a stand Before I return to grains of sand Just take a look at the world of man Couldnt believe what I saw before me What lay in front of me legions of people fighting for petty needs, for petty greed in the name of a queen in the name of a machine Were gonna make this world clean One to three minor indifferences spark a war to rid a land of one race but instead simply destroyed the place everyone looks the same in the dark Fifty thousand different armies say the same thing "We got god on our side, we are in the right!" Fifty thousand kings believe they go forth with angel wings They all believe in the same God in spite of what he teaches, what he stands for Would he really appreciate all this death and gore? Back on the homefront things look mighty grim The men in charge just take it in stride Put the world on a spin What about all the soldiers whove died for a cause that is lost and its truth denied so that men with power look better after theyve lied to a land and its people who remember the fights of the past that were never supposed to last as long they did you went to war even if you're just a kid but they tore down the walls of your mind and tell you they were being just and kind But a war no matter how great cant hide all the problems under wraps especially with the state of a world full of traps where governments listen to the status quo not the status woes The woes of the many that collapse and crush the woes of the few who spew lies and exaggerations brought to you by the divine imagination of market research, face value, resale, wholesale, dont believe in no sale everyone and everything has a price A price to pay if you got the right connections that let you avoid the discretions of a world gone corrupt please dont let me interrupt your grand scheme for success and walking over those you would call your friends who would help you out in the end