Googling how much rollercoasters cost So someday I can build a Gami Gang theme park In my backyard, get sponsored by NASCAR It shouldn't be that hard of a thing to do So I will make it happen someday Googling how much medicine I'll need To stop feeling like everybody fucking hates me Shouldn't be that much, so I'll go pick up Couldn't be that hard to do So I will make it happen someday It's a long way from here to where I wanna be But I know that there is nothing stopping me From being the person that you see on your TV And it's a long time from now until you'll get to see A version of me that isn't completely Destroyed by the war and peace that's playing in my head But just wait It's only two more seconds All these microscopic moments help me feel like I'm not helpless I'm okay And I'm trying not to feel so bad for myself And I'm trying not to bring down anyone else