Drowning, in the tears of your- self suicide Enraged, by the envy of a... perfect life falling, below the bottom for this, scarlet dies today! ive been waiting so long to see you But in this torment i fucking scream taking this life brings you closer to me! But in this torment, i fucking scream Beneath the surface, my heart bleeds.... If i could hold you in my arms, if i could fucking see you smile i would taste death, to be born again. Drained and Dying, in the ruins of this world my heart is breaking, the will to live.. is gone! The heart bleeds, ive waited so long to hold you in my arms again! Without you, im decomposing! the heart is breaking, this noose is tied around my neck eyes fall fucking backwards, their is no- regrets [my heart bleeds] Our time is slipping away, and i can hear, the afterlife calling my life is a tradgedy, so i, escape with, the blade, so i escape with the blade will i meet you in the afterlife my love... If i could hold you in my arms If i could fucking see you smile Distance is darkness, but your so far away from me!