Shva sadhana Shva sadhana Shva sadhana Shva sadhana Seeing the life and its sorrow Urged to escape from this prison At the smashana I would find Boon of a thoughtless existence! To cut the clothing of karma! Atoned to the voiceless voice Asana of a fresh corpse Woundless corpse of a warrior I have seen the unseen! Dreadful yet blissful! Trapped inside this circle I have made to conjure Suddenly nothing No more light, no sound All I see before me is The blazing eye of wisdom Conjuring, chanting, summoning Praising, offering, worshiping Astral funeral pyre Abode of the primal shakti! The mind is the adya pith! Gnostic contemplation Now I see the corpse has spoken In the divine tongue to grant my liberation! Shva sadhana Shva sadhana Shva sadhana Shva sadhana