Why cherish this act of ignorance? That brought lives to the slumbering dusts!!! Molecules learnt to speak, to curse And to breed the ephemerals!! Bearer of the skull now dances Snatching the 5th head of Brahma Revealing Ugrakapalamurti Craves to destroy the Brahmanda Why cherish the act of ignorance Utter cries in the anger of existence Here I am now tormented With the very sights of the Savitur A blinding light now unleashed And then the emptiness vanished As he dives in the blood of rape Seeking moksha shamelessly In these hours I have danced In an anti demiurgic trance This is all but Brahma’s fault He is the one Creator God He raped my daughter in ignorance Breeding the cosmic creations And, in silence I shall witness The absence of existence And, I will not die Nor shall I cease Till the world is gone To eternal sleep Kapala Revolution Kapala Revolution Kapala Revolution Kapala Revolution