Spawns of her black yoni In tamas they dwell Specters of the susumna In tamas they dwell Thieves of yer lost semen In tamas they dwell Agents of trans-mutation In tamas they dwell Apparent shadows of disdains Revealed by an intriguing fatality If ye have not the active shield Away they go and return not Winged, they try reaching out Have they failed to fathom? The tamas ye have concealed In the cloak of doubt and dispute Avritishakti of the great tamas Gaze deep within but ye see nothing Shape shifting existence of mal-thoughts Battling with their mutual immunity Only misery weakens this barrier Turns it into an abolishment zone In the depth of tamas cavern Causal affinity burns with its maker! Should ye authorize them hordes? To enter and deviate the epitome By destroying the lairs of clays For that’s what ye are by birth And when this catastrophe unleashed Resistance would only cause duality As the lava of ego bursts out in tamas The ground that ye have raped unknowingly By this time ye have known We are bound by the karma Now gather the secretion Unspoiled menstrual blood